



冯美云 冯美云 发表于2023-12-01 浏览574 评论0

在语法中,人们可能犯的最令人沮丧的错误之一就是混淆"your"和"you're"。即使是英语的母语者也会犯这个错误!仅仅因为有人在说这门语言上长大,并不意味着他们总是知道或关注这两个词的区别。 不要犯同样的错误!如果你能在写作中避免混淆这两个词,你已经领先一步。 Your(你的) Your是一个所有格代词。这意味着当你谈论某人拥有某物时,你使用它。在这种情况下,拥有者就是你。 每当你描述你拥有的东西时,都可以使用"your"。注意,所有格代词的宾格形式是"yours"。这意味着你可以用"yours"代替"your ball"这个短语。 Julie was telling me all about your achievements! Congratulations! I had no idea that these were your views on your role in the workplace. Is this your book? Is this book yours?

Welcome On Board与Welcome Aboard有何区别?


Welcome On Board与Welcome Aboard有何区别?

冯美云 冯美云 发表于2023-11-30 浏览650 评论5

Welcome On Board “上船”这个表达比“登船”更古老,然而,这两个表达可以互换使用,意思是进入船、飞机、火车或公共汽车: Jack was already aboard/on board when he remembered that he’d left his suit at home. The plane crashed, but everyone on board / aboard survived. 所有乘客都在船上吗? 这是您的机长发言。欢迎登上这趟英国航空的航班。 Welcome on board/aboard can also be used figuratively when welcoming a new member of a team: Welcome on board/aboard, James always speaks very highly of you. Welcome, Janine. It’s good to have you on board / aboard!

AS … AS 结构及比较的例子


AS … AS 结构及比较的例子

冯美云 冯美云 发表于2023-11-28 浏览411 评论0

AS … AS 结构的含义 as... as' 在英语语法中是用来表达两者非常相似或相同的结构。下面将介绍如何使用这一结构,以及一些 as... as 的例子和比较。 AS + 形容词 + AS 语法示例: I’m as old as my husband. = My husband and I are the same age. Your house is as beautiful as mine. = Your house and my house are equally beautiful. 当比较两个在某种方面相同的事物时,我们使用 as + 形容词/副词 + as: The largest lion in the world is as big as a car. This summer season is just as bad as it was last year. It’s been raining endlessly for months. You have to be very careful as you take it out of the package. It is very delicate. Not as… as 结构的例子 在比较不相同的事物时使用 Not as … as: I was wrong about how heavy it would be, this bag is not as heavy as I imagined it to be. Frankie is still shorter than Danny. He is not as tall as his brother. She doesn’t sing as loud as she could. Not as… as 结构还可以通过说 isn't quite as 或 is not nearly as 来表示: The second race did not turn out to be quite as simple as the first one. The first race was easier. My old shoes were much more comfortable, and these new ones aren’t even close. (These new shoes aren’t as comfortable as my old ones.)

​Who’s or Whose?


​Who’s or Whose?

冯美云 冯美云 发表于2023-11-27 浏览483 评论0

在谈到同音异义词时,即发音相同但拼写不同的词语时,很难区分这两个词。在何种情况下使用哪个词?这篇文章解释了“who’s”和“whose”的区别。 这两个词都与人有关。它们的区别在于它们所表示的情境。 Who’s的定义: Who’s是who is的缩写。 每次使用这个词时,你必须在询问或谈论某人。你应该能够将who is替代为who’s的任何使用。如果句子仍然通顺,那么你使用得正确! 通常,who’s最常用于提问。请注意,在英语口语中使用缩写通常是标准的,但在书面表达中不够正式。 Who’s the person in charge of organizing the food and drinks for this party? Who’s knocking at the door? Likewise, you can use it in statements. I have a friend who’s interested in the open position at your company. I can’t believe who’s walking around the neighborhood this late at night.