



冯美云 冯美云 发表于2023-08-28 浏览521 评论0

136. deposit - 存款 137. deposit book - 存款簿 138. deposit certificate – deposit warrant - 存款证明 - 存款凭证 139. depositor - 存款人 140. discount rate - 贴现率 141. dividend - 红利 142. dividend warrant - 红利券 143. domiciled bill - 住户汇票 144. draw a cheque - 开支票 145. drawer - 出票人 146. drawer’s signature - 出票人签名 147. end of month (EOM) - 月底(EOM) 148. to endorse – to back - 背书 149. to endorse a cheque - 背书支票 150. endorsement - 背书 151. endorser - 背书人 152. exchange - 汇率 153. exchange broker (UK) – stockbroker (US) - 证券经纪人 154. savings deposit - 储蓄存款 155. to sell forward - 卖出远期 156. to settle a debt (UK) – to pay off a debt(US) - 偿还债务 157. settlement of a bill - 结算汇票 158. share (UK) – stock (US) - 股份 159. share certificate - 股票证书