

冯美云 冯美云 发表于2023-11-09 15:10:46 浏览1605 评论0


Center:在美国使用。 Centre:在所有其他英语变体中使用(包括加拿大)。 “center”/“centre”的含义 名词 距离某物的各边等距的点 The centre of the table. 城镇或城市中心是一个城镇或城市的地理或商业中心或核心区域 He works in the centre so it takes him a long time to get to work because of the rush-hour traffic. 其他事物旋转或旋转的点/轴 The sun is at the centre of the solar system. 没有极端观点的政党 A political party that has neither left-wing or right-wing views. 在团队比赛中在团队/球场/法院的中间踢球的球员 The centre in Volleyball is a defensive specialist.


巧克力、蛋糕、饼干或馅料 The creamy centre of a chicken pie is made using lots of butter and double cream. 在特定领域、活动、兴趣、情况或条件中最重要的点、地点、区域、人物或物体 Nashville is at the centre of the country music world. 影响、行动或力量的源头 The politician is at the centre of the controversy. 为特定目的提供的地方或一组建筑物,或为特定活动提供的地方 There are yoga lessons in the sports centre every Saturday morning. The newest shopping centre in London is Westfield in White City. 动词 放在中间 To centre the text, drag the text box to the middle of the page. Centre around / centre (something) on 在特定地点/区域发生 The tourist industry in Portugal is centred mostly around the Algarve. 某事的焦点或基础 The plot of the film was centred around a family who was trying to build a new life for themselves. 在特定位置聚集或汇集 The university buildings are centre around the tower. “center”/“centre”的搭配 Dead centre / very centre(意指精确的中心) I work in the dead centre of the city. 中心用于 The University is a centre for scientific research. “center”/“centre”的同义词 (名词) Middle 谈论物体/物理位置的中心点时,比“center”不太正式,通常不如“center”精确。也可用于谈论时间,表示从开始到结束的部分。 In the middle of the film / in the middle of the night. Midpoint 某物的中间点。 The midpoint of the circle. Midst 在某物的中间/中部或中点时使用。通常用于谈论一个人在人群或人群中的位置。 He was in their midst. Core 球体的中心 The core of the earth / of an apple. Equidistant(形容词) 精确位于其他两点中间的某物(正式) The train station is equidistant from the university and the church. Halfway point 正好位于其他两点的中间点 I’ll meet you at the halfway point between the ice cream shop and the supermarket. Heart 某事的核心:在中心 The cathedral is in the heart of the city. (Verb) Centralize 将一切集中到一个权威或一个地方 The company centralised all their computers in one location. 2. Concentrate 将一切集中起来 The teachers concentrated their efforts to find a solution to the problem of the difficult pupil. 3. Unify 将人们汇聚在一个思想/共同目标下 Local business owners unified against the new changes the government were bringing in. 4. Unite 将人们联合起来 Groups unite to provide healthcare in the city centre.

