
关于“Confused About”和“Confused With”的区别,你了解吗?

冯美云 冯美云 发表于2023-12-02 16:44:03 浏览624 评论0


“Confused”是一个动词,意味着不清楚或无法区分物体或思想的差异。 例如: I find quantum physics confusing. (I have a hard-time understanding quantum physics). “About”这个词有几个定义。我经常告诉我的学生,“about”意味着一个概念或主题内的许多话题。 We were talking about Australia. (We could be talking about the government, economy or its people). 当作介词使用时,“about”表示关于某事。 The professor’s lecture was about global warming. “About”这个词还可以表示接近或附近。 她和她姐姐差不多大;我想她是双胞胎。 “About”也是一个形容词。作为形容词时,它表示接近于数量。 He is about 6 feet tall. “About”这个词还可以表示几乎或差不多。 I am about finished with my math homework. 信不信由你,“about”也是一个形容词。在这个意义上,它被定义为四处移动。 The toddler was up and about when she should have been asleep. “With”这个词表示一种关系。当两件事结合在一起时,“with”是个好用的词!


She is with Joe now, she is not dating Ben anymore.

I like coffee with milk. Do you take your tea with sugar? “With”也可以用作介词。作为介词时,它表示伴随。 Do you want to go with me to the movies? 作为介词使用时,“with”也可以表示具有(比如一种品质)。 The student is a person with excellent work ethic. 那么,“confused about”和“confused with”之间有什么区别呢? 两者之间的主要区别在于你讨论的主题范围。一般而言,“confused about”用于讨论一个概念。 以下是一些例子,以帮助澄清: The student was confused about circles. (There are many different concepts that circles contain. We could be talking about the shape, area, circumference, diameter etc). 说学生对圆的一般概念不理解时,使用“confused about”更为合适。 The young girl was confused about love. (Once again, there are many aspects about love, and to say in general it would be more common to use confused about). 他们对约翰感到困惑。(通常,在使用“confused about”时,需要提出更多问题以找出具体什么地方令人困扰)。 Sometimes, English is more about psychology, especially at an Intermediate and Advanced level, than about grammar. 用词让我了解说话者在思考什么。 通常,当一个人使用“confused about”这个词组时,他们可能不确定如何用语言表达他们的疑虑或困惑。 They don’t know exactly what they don’t understand or do not know how to express exactly the difficulty they are having with the concept. 当有人说“confused about”时,他们邀请听者进一步调查,这可能有助于他们表达确切的困难。另一方面,“confused with”涉及到一个特定的概念。看看以下例子,更好地理解这个短语的用法: This might help them express their exact difficulty. On the other hand the phrase confused with has to do with a specific concept. Look at these examples to get a better understanding of the use of this phrase: The young girl was confused with her feelings. I am confused with how to find the area of a circle. I am confused with the aspect of a utopia. 在英语中,你还可以使用短语“confuse with”。这意味着你无法区分这两者。 我经常把玛丽和她的双胞胎弄混。 “Confused about”和“confused with”之间的区别非常细微,但对中高级英语学习者来说,这提供了解答疑问的线索。

