
Fortuitous 定义 ›› Fortuitous 与 Fortunate

冯美云 冯美云 发表于2023-10-14 11:58:56 浏览166 评论0


Fortuitous 意味着某事发生是偶然或无计划的,而不是有意安排的。当某事被认为是 fortuitous 时,通常被看作是积极的事情,是幸运的,某人因此而幸运。 My brother driving by and seeing my when I got a flat tire was fortuitous. I didn’t know what I was going to do until he showed up out of nowhere. - 我哥哥路过并看到我车胎爆了是一次偶然的事件。在他不知情的情况下,我都不知道接下来该怎么办,直到他突然出现。 That check coming in the mail today was fortuitous, I had just about run out of money. - 今天收到的支票是一件幸运的事,我差不多已经用完了所有的钱。 Fortuitous 与 fortunate 有时会被混淆。虽然 fortuitous 表示某事是好事,某人因此而幸运,但这两个词的含义不同。 Fortunate 意味着发生了好事,涉及到好运气。它指的是吉祥之事,即迷信的好运。 I feel fortunate to have known you. - 我感到很幸运能认识你。 You’re luck to come from such a fortunate family. - 你来自一个幸运的家庭。 You’re fortunate that you found your dog after he got loose. - 你很幸运,找到了逃跑的狗。 这两个词的含义非常相似(它们是同义词),fortuitous 通常被认为是幸运的。然而,这两个词是不同的。Fortunate 意味着幸运,而 fortuitous 意味着某事是偶然发生的。 Fortuitous 的同义词有很多,以下是一些最常见的: - Chance 具有多重含义,作为 fortuitous 的同义词,它指的是事件在没有计划或设计的情况下发生。当某事偶然发生时,可能是积极的,也可能是消极的。 How did this happen? Did we mess up, or did this really just happen by chance? - 这是怎么发生的?是我们搞砸了,还是这真的只是偶然发生的? It’s awesome that something this great could happen by chance. - 一些如此伟大的事情竟然只是偶然发生的,太棒了。 - Adventitious 指的是某事发生是偶然的,或者是由于继承的天赋或技能。 His computer skills were not adventitious, his father is into computers and he was trying to impress him. - 他的计算机技能并不是偶然的,他的父亲懂计算机,他试图给他留下深刻印象。 This meeting was adventitious, I had no idea you’d be here. - 这次会议是偶然的,我完全不知道你会在这里。


- Unanticipated 意味着某事不被视为可预测或预期的。这也意味着人们无法猜测或知道接下来会发生什么,因此无法为即将发生的事情做准备。它可以指的是积极的或消极的事情。 The horrible things that happened today were completely unanticipated, no one could have seen this coming. - 今天发生的可怕事情完全是意外的,没有人能够预见到这种情况。 His proposal was unanticipated, and perfect. - 他的提议是出乎意料的,而且非常完美。 - Unpredictable 意味着某事无法被估计,无法预测未来会发生什么。 Her actions are unpredictable. - 她的行为是不可预测的。 We can’t invest in this company because it’s expenses are so unpredictable. - 我们不能投资这家公司,因为它的开支是如此不可预测。 - Serendipitous 意味着某事是偶然发生的,并以有益的方式发生。 It was serendipitous that my car broke down and my future husband is the one that stopped to help me. - 我的车抛锚了,我的未来丈夫正好停下来帮助我,这真是一个偶然的巧合。 It’s serendipitous that I accidentally walked into the computer science class. I never would have found my passion if that hadn’t happened. - 我无意走进计算机科学课,这真是一个偶然的巧合。如果那没有发生,我永远不会发现我的激情。 Fortuitous 的反义词有: - Predict / Predictable 意味着说或分享将来会发生的事情。 What I love so much about math is that everything has a right or wrong answer and that answer is predictable. - 数学让我着迷的原因之一是一切都有正确或错误的答案,而且答案是可以预测的。 Who could have predicted that Pluto would get demoted from planet status. - 谁能预测到冥王星会被降级为矮行星? - Forecast 指的是能够预测将来会发生的能力。这个词可以用于任何事情,但通常用于预测公司收益或天气。 On Friday we will get the earnings forecast for Netflix. - 明天我们将获得Netflix的收益预测。 In the meeting tomorrow, we’re going to talk about the company’s third quarter forecast. - 明天的会议中,我们将讨论公司第三季度的预测。 - Foresee 意味着能够在事情发生之前意识到或预测未来的事件。 I did not forsee how the movie was going to end, it was a great surprise. - 我没有预见电影会如何结束,这是一个很大的惊喜。 Since I can’t foresee the future, I can’t tell you how this conversation is going to go, but we can hope for the best. - 由于我无法预见未来,我不能告诉你这次谈话会如何发展,但我们可以抱有最好的希望。 - Anticipate 意味着能够猜测或意识到将来会发生什么。 I’m trying to anticipate what our competition will do next. - 我试图预测竞争对手下一步会做什么。 When fighting make sure you mix up your patterns, so your opponent can’t anticipate your next move. - 打斗时确保改变你的动作模式,这样你的对手无法预测你的下一步。

